Creating a Part Drawing Using OnShape: Difference between revisions

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(draft of procedure for parts designed in OnShape)
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<p><span style="font-size: 18pt;" >This is a Draft Process. If you use it an have questions or suggestions, please talk to Cynette.</span></p>
<p>Making a Part Drawing in OnShape</p>
<p>Making a Part Drawing in OnShape</p>
#Design the part in OnShape
#Design the part in OnShape

Revision as of 17:59, 19 January 2025

This is a Draft Process. If you use it an have questions or suggestions, please talk to Cynette.

Making a Part Drawing in OnShape

  1. Design the part in OnShape
  2. Open the year specific Parts and Assembly Log (in Teams Robot Design channel) – assign next number and match name of part to log.

To rename part, in the Part Studio, right click in instances panel, rename.

  1. Hit the + in the bottom left corner and select Create Drawing. Under existing templates select “FRC Team 1511 Rolling Thunder”, Template “1511 Drawing Tempate.dwt”, then “OK”

The Drawing will be blank

Select the Part, view (front) will appear. Drag to drawing sheet / page; click to fix view. Generate top, side and isometric views by clicking the original and dragging to the side, below/ above or diagonal.

Fill in the Title Block – matching to the Parts and Assembly Log.

Drawing Title: Right click on the Drawing tab and rename tab. This will change the drawing title in the Title Block.

Part Made By: this will give the shop a go-to if more information is needed on the part during manufacturing.

Mentor’s Name will be added after the Part Drawing is completed to indicate mentor review and approval.

Scale: seems to auto-default to 2:1. To change, right click on the sheet, Sheet Properties. Select the scale closest to full size (1:1). If parts are small, increase the scale to provide the best detail. If parts are large reduce the scale it the largest that fits on the sheet when dimensioned. Click the green Check when complete. The isometric view can be a different scale to leave the most room for part views and dimensioning. Right click on the iso view and view properties to change the scale of this view alone.

Complete the Notes: sections – double click on the “check boxes” and fill in where the part will be made, quantities needed, and material type, thickness and bend radius as appropriate.

  1. Dimension the part per standard practice. When complete review with a mentor and fill in mentor name.
  2. Print 2 copies (from hamburger menu next to OnShape logo). Place in appropriate section of RED Robot Binder: Shop Drawings.
  3. Parts destined for Harris, CNC and 3-D printing have additional steps / Requirements (documented processes under development)