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Motor Choice:
Selected motor for the storage machine is the am-2235 - Snow Blower Motor - Has adequate rpm, is low profile and has more than enough torque.
Motor Characteristics-
Frisbee is 1/3 pound = 5oz.
4 frisbees so 4 * 5oz. = 20 oz.
Required torque =20oz. * 5.5 in.(point of contact to each frisbee) = 110 oz./in.
Indexer speed estimate= 1/4 sec per 1/4 revolution = 60rpm
Rule of thumb for rpm is 2 * 60rpm = 120 rpm 
Part Number Motor Name Weight (lbs) Max Power (W) Stall Torque (oz-in) Free Speed (RPM) Free Current(A) Stall Current (A)
  am-2235 Snow Blower Motor  1.11   30             1600             100                      5                 24

= Resources =
= Resources =

Revision as of 11:09, 19 January 2013

Shooter/Storage Design

Media:Storage_Disk_Pic_17th.jpg Media:Radial&radial.jpg

Motor Choice: Selected motor for the storage machine is the am-2235 - Snow Blower Motor - Has adequate rpm, is low profile and has more than enough torque. Motor Characteristics- Frisbee is 1/3 pound = 5oz. 4 frisbees so 4 * 5oz. = 20 oz. Required torque =20oz. * 5.5 in.(point of contact to each frisbee) = 110 oz./in. Indexer speed estimate= 1/4 sec per 1/4 revolution = 60rpm Rule of thumb for rpm is 2 * 60rpm = 120 rpm

Part Number Motor Name Weight (lbs) Max Power (W) Stall Torque (oz-in) Free Speed (RPM) Free Current(A) Stall Current (A)

 am-2235	Snow Blower Motor   1.11	  30	            1600	             100                      5	                24


Shooter Storage's Engineering Notebook

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Week 6

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