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== Week 4 ==
== Week 4 == *Completed AutoDesk construction of Lead screw manipulation device: *<font face="courier new">&#x5B;&#x5B;Lead_Screw:Lead_Screw.PNG&#x5D;&#x5D;</font> &nbsp; *Created Drawings of parts needing machining &#x5B;&#x5B;File:Lead_Screw_Block.PNG&#x5D;&#x5D; &#x5B;&#x5B;File:Mount_Slab.PNG&#x5D;&#x5D;

== Week 5 ==
== Week 5 ==

Revision as of 17:59, 26 January 2013

Shooter/Storage Design

In the storage mechanism, discs enter through the feeder slot. A banner sensor detects that the disk has entered. Fan blades rotate one quarter turn. A flag sensor detects when the fan blades are in the right position to receive the next disk. This continues until all disks are loaded.A second flag sensor detects when the blades are in the correct position to be dropped down into the shooter mechanism. The fans then rotate each time to push the discs into the shooter mechanism.

In the shooting mechanism, another banner sensor detects when each disc is in the ready state for shooting. A single servo moves a piece of metal that sticks up though a slot in the base plate to make sure that the disc does not move before the wanted time. When time for shooting comes, the piece of metal moves back down into the slot while another servo pushes the disc into the wheel.

The lifting mechanism uses a lead screw. The lead screw is in the center and on each side there are two linkages that extend or detract when the lead screw moves forward or backwards. This is what creates the different angles for the shooting mechanism. A potentiometer will be used for measuring the angle. Lifting mechanism will allow the shooter to go from vertical (storage) and approximately 20 degrees (lowest possible shooting angle). This design will permit a variable shooting angle.

 Sensors: Storage

  • Banner: Detects when the disk enters the feeder slot
  • Flag/ Slotted Optical: Detects when fan blades are in position to recieve disc
  • Flag/ Slotted Optical: Detects when fan blades  are in position to move into the shooter mechanism

Sensors: Shooter

  • Banner: Detects when the disc enters the shooting mechanism
  • Encoder (US digital 100 cpr): Detects wheel rpm

Sensors: Angle

  • 2 Potentiometers: Measures the angle of the scissor lift mechanism.  Second potentiometer is a redundant sensor (back-up).

Servos: Shooter

  • Blocker Servo: Moves a stopper up from a slit in the base plate to stop the movement of the disc from touching the wheel.
  • Pusher Servo: Moves a flipper that slams the disc into the shooter wheel.

Motor Choice: Selected motor for the storage machine is the am-2235 - Snow Blower Motor - Has adequate rpm, is low profile and has more than enough torque. Motor Characteristics- Frisbee is 1/3 pound = 5oz. 4 frisbees so 4 * 5oz. = 20 oz. Required torque =20oz. * 5.5 in.(point of contact to each frisbee) = 110 oz./in. Indexer speed estimate= 1/4 sec per 1/4 revolution = 60rpm Rule of thumb for rpm is 2 * 60rpm = 120 rpm.

Selected motor for shooter is the Mini-CIM  becuase higher rpm, smaller size and lower complexity than the M7-RS775-18 BaneBots motor. 

Part Number Motor Name Weight (lbs) Max Power (W) Stall Torque (oz-in.) Free Speed (rpm) Free Current (A) Stall Current (A)

am-2235 S

Snow Blower Motor 1.11 30 1600 100 5 24


Mini-CIM 2.16 229 198 6200 1.8 56


Wheel options:
- plain razor scooter:
- Razor electric scooter (espark) rear wheel with sproket:
- Razor electic scooter (e100) rear wheel with sproket:
Looks like e100 is 4.92" ->

Solenoid "Kicker"; 1 in stroke part number 69905K851


6 inch pneumatic wheel

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Shooter Storage's Engineering Notebook

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

== Week 4 == *Completed AutoDesk construction of Lead screw manipulation device: *[[Lead_Screw:Lead_Screw.PNG]]   *Created Drawings of parts needing machining [[File:Lead_Screw_Block.PNG]] [[File:Mount_Slab.PNG]]

Week 5

Week 6

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