2012:Shooter and Collector 01.15
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Start time: 10:00AM
End time: 9:00PM
Members present: Mike Montemalo, Cianna, Matthew
Members Attending Next Meeting: Hopefully the same
Tasks Completed
- Design Completed for Wing/actuator
- -Determine Motors
- -Determine Start and match geometryTasks In Progress
- Determine Material
- -Lexan
- -Sheet Metal
- Beater bar requirements
Fixed position inside the frame/ stationary position
1 speed forward, 1 speed reverse (not full speed?)
measurements (must stay inside the frame)
As close to frame perimeter as possible, preferably coincident with it
Material ideas: Wheel traction tread, drawer liner, surgical tubing wrapped about the bar
Sturdy and easily replaceable (under five minutes to replace it)
Inside the frame or deployable? MUST BE INSIDE SEE #1
Sensor feedback;
Ball sensor - know when one is entering the system -- possibly? Depends on how close we can get one for the conveyers
NO status of spinning depends on # of balls currently in feeder, and whether there is a ball in front of robot. (accuracy?)
DOESN'T MATTER AT THIS POINT Should beater bar spin constantly if there are less than 3 balls in robot, or only spin if < 3 balls and there is a ball in front of robot?
- sub-task
- sub-task
- task
Tasks to Complete
- task
- sub-task
- sub-task
- task
Materials Needed
- task
- sub-task
- sub-task
- task