2015:Gripper Subteam

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Revision as of 18:51, 14 January 2015 by Drivetrain (talk | contribs)
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Overview of Design

Lead screw Gripper Design Details:

  • Lead Screw = 3/8" diameter, 0.166 lead
  • Using two lead screws, one left handed, one right handed
  • Lead screws will be driven by one 550 motor with banebots 5:1 transmission
  • Actuation speed = 8 in/sec
  • Force = 100lbs

Handy Lead Screw Calculator: http://dartactuators.com/calculations-actuators/

LED Design Detail:

Have a LED bar on the back of the robot that corresponds to the gripper posistion so that the location of the gripper arms are known when looking at the back of the robot.  1/14/2015
4 Options evaluated

Lead screw (Design Chosen)- 1/14/2015

4 Bar linkage-

Scissor Actuator-

Single Cylinder Pneumatics w/ Cable wheel-

Work Accomplished on 1/10/2015

Task list

•clean up calcs and review w/c.s (goal speed (lifter) 1m/s)

•look at 2013- use same lifter opt 1 – scissor lift, opt 2 – 4-bar, opt3- lead screw. Opt 4 – single cyclinder w/ cable wheel

•get lifter group to understand, sude- lift mech

•divvy up components

•pick wikki student

•strategy/control- do we need 2nd grip to go up and down

•size/pick motor (27 stacks) mech cam controls force

•decide on grip design MB. # of open/close – proof pneumatics works

•answer G’ or 5?????-Larry irrelevance

•review parts/ assembly log

•steps- w/static upper

Pro/Con chart for designs Picture of 1/10/14 whiteboard in G4



2D design

Zach designs part wrong multiple times.

Desing for arm


G7 whiteboard


​task list

finalize actuator - lead screw

  • finalize carriage design 
  • work on gripper design - tube? - Combo? - Sheet mtl?
