- Velcro is allowed on ropes, assuming the rope follows all other rope criteria. See FRC Q & A #6 and #215: https://frc-qa.firstinspires.org/qa/6 https://frc-qa.firstinspires.org/qa/215
- Originally we planned to make a "finger" based climber but we realized that the "fingers" sometimes pushed the rope away instead of catching it. This made the climber require a longer amount of time to align.
- To circumvent this issue, we designed another prototype. This second model used velcro to catch a velcro rope. It is much smaller and easier to assemble, therefore taking up less space and time. Inspiration was derived from Ri3D 1.0
- We would also like to implement a "flip" mechanism which would transfer the climber from inside the hopper (most likely) to the outside of the robot, above the bumpers.