Leaders: Nick V. and Kadence O.
Prototyping - 1/9/2022 - 1/13/2022
We started prototyping how we were going to outtake the Cargo the day after Kickoff. We talked about multiple ways that we could go about it, and decided to begin prototyping a shooter. This shooter would be very similar to our 2020-21 shooter, but scaled up for the diameter of the Cargo. In order to do this, we had to scale up the whole assembly. We made new side plates with even more grooves to increase the amount of contact the Cargo would have on the Lexan "hood" as it traveled around our flywheel. The flywheel is made up of two 4 inch Colson wheels, that are 1 1/2 inches wide and they sit between two flywheels? on a 1/2 inch hex shaft. We originally spun the axle with a drill and fed the balls in by hand to the flywheel, but we might use a CIM motor to drive it for testing purposes.