2014:Electrical Controls Subteam

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Electrical Controls Design

1/12/14 Prototype


Parts List (TBD)

Description Part# Order From Notes
E-net port
Power port
Joysticks (TBD)
Push Pot(TBD) might want two (one for manual shoot and one for gear)

1/12/14 Design Ideas

To celebrate 10th year, we will use physical parts for each of the prior year robots.<br\> <br\> '05 Rinobot<br\> - operator interface<br\> - hinges from controls <----- will use these as hinges for the lids<br\> <br\> '06 Roflbot<br\> - lexicon from controls <----- will use behind cut out letters and shine underglow throw it<br\> - silver knob from controls <----- use ot extra pot<br\> <br\> '07 Aracnaphobia<br\> - broken switches<br\> - missile switch<br\> - joystick <----- use for aux driver<br\> <br\> '08 Mach 1511<br\> - missile swtich<br\> - broken switches <----- use for broken switches<br\> <br\> '09 ThunderPlucker<br\> - handle<br\> - ethernet<br\> - 3-way switch <----- autonomous selection<br\> - coin button <----- hip check button<br\> <br\> '10 ThunderFoot<br\> - handle <----- use for handle<br\> <br\> '11 ThunderusPrime<br\> - painted tanks<br\> - USB robot hub <----- use for hub<br\> - 3 position switch<br\> - keypad<br\> - handles<br\> <br\> '12 ThunderStorm<br\> - 7 seg display<br\> - cube<br\> - turret knob <----- manual shooter strength knob<br\> - usb hub<br\> - ethernet port<br\> <br\> '13 ThunderPrise<br\> - latches<br\> - 4th joystick board<br\> - driver joysticks <----- use for driver joysticks<br\>

1/12/14 Mtg Minutes

Meeting with Strategy<br\> 1. joystick:<br\> - Y axis for intake<br\> - trigger roller in<br\> - 'thumb' button roller out<br\> - 'top' button for fast roller out<br\> 2. big button for high goal kick (gear)
3. button for truss kick (lightning bolt)
4. missile launch button [auto vs man kick]
OR<br\> slider w/button for manual kick power<br\> OR<br\> a pot with gear for the knob<br\> 5. 3 position switch for autonomous selection (none, 1 ball, 2 ball)
6. light on intake side & smartdashboard when intake is fully up
7. light on intake side, shooting side & smartdashboard when ball is acquired (not on ground)