2015:Electrical Controls Subteam
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To provide for narrower controls for transport, driver #1's side of controls (i.e. 2 joysticks) will slide to the right and cover the laptop. These will automatically lock.
The intent is to have a simple release mechanism. When released a gas strut will automatically open the controls.
- 2 joysticks for main driver
- 1 joystick for aux driver
- 1 3-way toggle for autonomous (up=a pre-picked auto-mode; center=no auto; down=use auto-mode that is selected on Dashboard)
- 8 broken switches
- Laptop for Dashboard
This is the controls closed. | This is a picture of the controls open. |
NOTE: The colors are not yet set in stone |
To do
Not yet started
- Find data sheets and parts: Handles
- Lights?
Started but Needs Work
- Sheet metal drawings for boxes
- Sheet metal drawing for right top
- Need to finish lightning bolt, add 1/32" allowance around the bolt
- Update broken switches with square cutouts per the new switches
- Update three-way switch hole as required per the selected part
- Add cutout for Ethernet port on the upper left corner of this part? It's the round part in the box of parts.
Research latching mechanism
- Use something similar to a gate latch
- http://www.homedepot.com/p/Stanley-National-Hardware-Zinc-Plated-Outswinging-Gate-Latch-CD1261-1-2-Gate-Latch-2C/203591026?ds_e_ad_type=pla&cm_mmc=Shopping%7CBase&gclid=CjwKEAiA28ilBRCy5cXrgtfTxTISJABgX7E2dVh_2c0KxLVal1dg6Fl1nUaeNEKBNmqDRJEnTZeTpxoCRLnw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
- http://gatelatchusa.com/101400-gate_latch.html
- Latch_example.jpg
- Pin/bolt attached to movable part/left section
- create a latch similar to: http://penfieldrobotics.com/wiki/images/5/53/Lock_and_Pin_%28paint%29.png
- one latch mounted to front of fixed section and one latch at the back
- run a u-shpaed bar from latch to latch (under the secondary controls)
- have access to bar via a hole through the secondary controls lid
- gas shock is TBD
Ethernet port location
- The option below needs to pulled from both sides, but we want to be able to pull from one side only
Power cable
- The options below need to pulled from both sides, but we want to be able to pull from one side only.
- http://www.cables4computer.com/Power_Products/USA_Cables_Retractable_PC_Power_Cable_(Bulk_Only).html
- http://www.cables4computer.com/Ziplinq/Cables_Ziplinqs_Retractable_AC_Power_Extension_Cord_5_Ft.html
- http://www.parts4pc.com/Computer_Accessories/Cables_Power-products-and-Cables_Retractable_PC_Power_Cable.html
- Our only remaining idea is to use the retractable cord mechanism from the iron and insert our own cords (ethernet, power).
- If we were to proceed with the iron idea we would need:
- 2 irons (one for ethernet, one for power)
- a power cord
- a flat ethernet cable
- a way to release the cord and allow it to retract
Determine which board to use for the joystick interface
- Cypress is mostly a USB-Serial and PSoC test board, it doesn't really have what we need.
- LaunchPad has digital and analog inputs. There are built-in pull down resistors, so wiring switches will be easy. There are sample programs including joysticks already setup to use with the Dashboard; the source code is available so it can be modified. Also, form factor is much better for using the contorls.
- http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/MSP430_LaunchPad_Operator_Interface_for_FIRST_Robotics_Competition?DCMP=univ-en&HQS=robotics-FRClaunchpad
Meeting Minutes
(Chris, Mr. Byers)
- discussed preliminary options
(Chris, Mr. Byers)
- discussed preliminary options
(Chris, Mr. Byers, Eric, David M.)
- selected overall concept (sliding controls)
(Gunnar, Alyssa, Andrew, Eric, Mr. Byers, David M.)
- inventoried parts we have
- determined controls we thought were needed
- went over desires from strategy team
- Home Depot shopping run
- met with Elliot to select secondary controls
- created wiki page
- created todo list
(Alyssa, Andrew, Mr. Byers)
- investigated latch options
- investigated retractable cords
- selected board for controls
(Chris, Eric, Mr. Byers, Gunnar, Andrew, Alyssa, Dave, Frank)
- Chris worked on the main base and assembly
- Gunner worked on the very complicated drawer slides
- Alyssa and Andrew worked on the Aux panel
- Eric found a gas shock that will fit our needs
- Attended integration meeting rom 6:30 to 7:00
(Chris, Mr. Byers)
- Chris updated assembly
- changed laptop mount so we have more space between it and the sliding lip
(Chris, Eric, Alyssa, Dave, Frank)
- Chris worked on the main base and assembly
- Alyssa worked on the lightning bolt cutout
- Eric found three way and broken switches and got them along with the gas shock on the shopping list. Datasheets are located in a datasheet folder with the rest of the controls stuff.
- Attended integration meeting rom 6:30 to 7:00
(Chris, Andrew, Gunnar, Alyssa, Dave, Eric, Mr. Byers)
- Chris worked on finishing the final assembly and the latching mechanism
- Gunnar worked on cadding up some of the electrical components, looking up some possible latches, and cadding other random parts.
- Andrew worked on the final drawings with Chris, finalizing the aux panel, placement of words, figuring out the hinge situation, and looking up other important information
- Alyssa worked with Andrew with his tasks as well as finalizing the lightning bolt cut out
- Eric and Mr. Byers assisted the students with their tasks, and kept them on task and at work.
- Attended integration 6:30 - 7:00
- Met the deadline for the design
(Andrew, Chris, Alyssa, Eric, Mr. Byers)
- Finalized all of the parts
- Made all of the drawings for the parts
- Sent the parts out
- Secured a extension cable for the inside of the controls
(Andrew, Chris, Alyssa, Mr. Byers, Eric)
- Fixed incorrect drawings and resent them to Harris
- Completed one of the drawings to be made in our shop
(Andrew, Chris, Mr. Byers)
- Andrew worked with the development board and downloaded the software to the laptop that will be used in this years controls
- Chris worked with Mr. Byers and updated the io map for the joysticks; talked with Elliot too, to make sure we mapped the buttons the way he wanted.
- The options below need to pulled from both sides, but we want to be able to pull from one side only.