2020:Power Cell Shooter
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Team Leads: Matt D. & Joe MC.
Prototyping 1/5/2020-1/11/2020
Overview: Based on initial team brainstorming and sketching, as well as the information from Strategy Subteam, we determined to prototype:
- A basic shooter roughly based on the 2451 PWNage design.
- To have the capability of switching to different types, diameters and duromiters of wheels.
- Change the geometry of the shooter to test what parameters produces the most reliable shooter
Calculations: We computed the following
- We calculated the velocity and angle needed to score into the outer goal at various distances. Calculations are saved as "Trajectory-RY" followed by what the calculations were for (eg "Trajectory-RY Lowbot")
- We calculated the needed velocity and time the power cell imnteracts with the wheel. These are saved under the "Power" tab in the "trajectory-RY cp"
Observations: We observed the following over the course of prototyping:
Need to do:
- Finish prototype
- Test prototype and determine which wheels + motors to use.