SVN Setup

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Source Code Repository Introduction

Team 1511 uses Subversion for its source code management. Subversion allows multiple developers to easily work together on a common code base, across many computer systems. On this page, you'll find the access information for our repository, as well as links to Subversion client software.

Team 1511 Subversion Repository Details

We have one repository for each team-year. All repositories are accessible via http. Simple browsing can be done with a web browser; actually modifying and contributing code requires a Subversion client. When checking out your initial working copy, configure your Subversion client to use the URLs below:

Access requires a username and password. Access is provided to Programming Subteam members only. Please post to the Programming Build Season forum or contact Jeff if you need an account.

Subversion Client Software

Links to Subversion clients:

  • Eclipse - Eclipse can use SVN using the subclipse plugin. 2009 and beyond Projects are formatted to work with this. To check out the project, right click the project window, choose import, and enter the project SVN URL from the previous section.
  • SVN - Command-line client provided by creators of Subversion. Works on Linux, Windows, and just about everything.
  • Tortoise SVN - Easy-to-use graphical client implemented as a Windows Explorer shell extension. Basically adds menu items to the Explorer right-click menues. Very convenient and user-friendly. Windows only.