Creating a Part Drawing Using OnShape
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This is a Draft Process. If you use it an have questions or suggestions, please talk to Cynette.
Making a Part Drawing in OnShape
- Open the year specific Parts and Assembly Log (in Teams Robot Design channel) – assign the next number and complete the associated columns of the log for the part design phase.
- Design the part in OnShape
- If you need to rename the part, in the Part Studio, right click in instances panel, rename.
- Start the part drawing;
- Fill in the Title Block – matching to the Parts and Assembly Log.
- Dimension the part per standard practice.
- Parts destined for Harris, CNC and 3-D printing have additional steps / Requirements.
- When complete, review with a mentor and that mentor will fill in their name.
- Print 2 copies (from hamburger menu next to OnShape logo). Place in appropriate section of RED Robot Binder: Shop Drawings.
See SOP for Checking Parts Compliance with L3Harris Rules which includes making the DXF file (documented processes under development)