Things to Take to Competitions
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- crimping tool for PWM cables
- crimping tool for lugs
- needle-nosed pliers
- wire cutters
- soldering iron
- soldering gun (for big wires)
- solder
- solder-wick
- wire stripper for big wires
- wire stripper for small wires
- WAGO tool !!!
- phillips screwdriver
- digital multimeter (and spare battery for the multimeter)
- wrenches to attach battery cables to batteries
- black electrical tape
- utility knife
- scissors
- PWM pins (male and female)
- fast-on crimp terminals (yellow, male & female)
- ring lugs crimp terminals (for speed controllers)
- PWM cable
- spare Jaguar speed controller
- spare Victor speed controller
- spare Banner photoelectric sensor
- spare US Digital shaft encoder
- zip ties
- spare mouse circuit boards
- nuts & bolts to attach battery cables to batteries
- spare microswitch
- FIRST rules on robot construction (Section 8)
- our electrical system summary spreadsheet