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Form groups for inventor and two repair groups (thunderplucker and mach1511)

Mach. 1511 team: ( Mike M., Kristina Kohl, Jacob Kremer) we marked the holes for the screws to reattach the drive train to the frame. We also brainstormed ideas fo reparing rofflebot. Next week we will drill out the iron bar and will finish up repairs on Mach.

Inventor group:

Sam L, Alex R and Chris H completed lessons 1 and 2 for inventor.  We watched Alex W make a chain tensioner on Inventor.  Alex explained the benefeits of using Inventor in the process.  We then reviewed a prototype of the tensioner for how it would function on Mach 1511.  Then we revised the model to reflect our findings.


Tony, Liz, Tresten, Shauna, Mike Hartman fixed the top spinner on Thunder Plucker and moved the motor.  Replaced the missing or broken pluckers on the bottom roller.  Moved belts back to where they belong (again...).  "i think thats pretty much it..." -Tony

Robot Locations:

Mach. 1511, Trailor

Thunderplucker, Closet

Rofflebot, A-10

Trailer Key is in the closet.


We went over the eight steps to the engineering process.

Mach. 1511: - (Group 2) Mike M., Becca and Jake Kremer, Shauna ~Mach. was at a demo, we worked on ROFl Bot, came up with a plan to fix the ball pen and to fix the panels. We used the NASAs engineering design sheet to plan out what we needed to do to fix Rofl Bot. We defined a problem: THe Ball pen  is broken becauser it has no net and it is floppy and looks like @#$%. We then defined constraints, we want to keep the weight as low as possibvle and keep everything within the robot dimentions. We made several sketches on the SMART board and are saved under a smart doc. I will put them on when I figure out how to. We already started the prototype phase, we used 30lb. test fishing line in place of metal wire. It was ridgid enough to continue on with that design.


     R ~fix ballpen/net system

     R ~reinforce side paneling

     R ~reattach drivetrain

     R ~make a new net system

     R ~contact electrical subteam to see if we have conflicting ideas

thunder plucker:- Tony B, Lizzy M. find probloms that still exists and fix them. 

Inventor team

Alex W, Sam L, Alex R, Chris H


1. Learn Inventor

2. Finish chain tensioner

Robot Locations:

Mach.~ Trailor

Thunderplucke~ Closet

ROFL Both~ A-10

Leanne Attendence: Alex W., Sam L., Alex R., Chris H., Tony B., Lizzy M,.Mike M., Becca, Jake K., Shaunah, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf


1. On Thunder Plucker, we (Sam L, Alex R, and Chris H) removed broken a ball guide from the top of the shooter.

2. We tightened the bolts on the ball spring guides.

3. We discussed knuts and bolts and weldments and the importance of marking panels so that they would get replaced in the correct location.

4. We discussed measurements (callipers).

ROFLBot : Liz M. , Ben S. Nathan K. 


1. We brainstormed ideas to fix the basket following the design process and learned about free body diagrams

2. We looked up cables and ropes on McMaster Carr for material selection considering constraints

Inventor team- Shauna, Alex, Becca, Jake

Completed lessons 1-3 and the unwritten lesson 4
Did random enrichment that Alex found on a desk called 2D quiz

Adults- Mrs. Wolf, Mr. Wolf, Mr. Cav, Mrs. Cav


ROFL Team: Chris H, Sam L, Alex R., MIke M., Kristina K.

We gathered around ROFL, brainstormed Ideas to make panels on ROFL. Decided on two options. 1) Wire mesh (as noted below) to cover sides. 2) Interwoven steel wire rope 1/32" Diametor (McMAster Carr Item No. 3498T41). WE researched viable options and found the materials.

Link to woven wire cloth - can be used for ROFLBot; aluminum preffered - it's the lightest out of all the available materials:

Thunderplucker Team: Mike H., Lizzy M., Ben S.

The group of three determined problems with the robot, things that have broken, since it was last overhauled for a competition.  It was found that the vertical middle beam on the left side from a rear perspective was bent, the front piece of alluminum to prevent orbit balls from being shot over trailers has broken off, and there is one chicken plucker broken on the top spinner.  The team then continued on to possible solutions to the bent bar on next years robot by looking at trade-offs for thicker bars.  It was found that doubling the thickness from 1/16" to 1/8" would double the weight and cost, however increase the strength of the robot by slightly more than 65%.

12/2/09 Attendence:

Alex Wolf

Mr. And Mrs. Wolf

Mike Montemalo

Ben Stoeckl

Chris Hufziger

Elizabeth McChesney

Jacob Kremer

Khristina Kohl

Paul Jennings

Sam Lerman

Shauna Richards

Mike Hartman (Half Meeting)

Mr. Stoeckl

Inventor Team

Made an assembly of a crude drawing just like in build season.

Wheel Image.jpg 


We worked on team one's VEX bot. It is mostly finished but needs to be assembled. We seperated people into seperate into different groups and worked on different parts of the bot ( Drive train, mechanism, etc.)<span id="fck_dom_range_temp_1260406722756_192" />

Inventor group

Completed lessons 1-3 and enrichment

Attendence 12/9

Mike Hartman

Shauna Richards


Ben Steockle

Jacob Kremer

Sam Lerman

Alex Rozanov

chris Hufziger

Paul Jennings

Mike Montemalo

Alex Wolf

Mr. and Mrs. Wolf

Mr. Steockle

12/16/09 Mech. Meeting

 Alex Rosanov

Alex Wolf

Ben Stoeckl

Chris Hufziger

Lizzy McChesney

Jacob Kremer

Khristina Kohl

Mike Montemalo

Paul Jennings

 Mike Hartman