
From 1511Wookiee
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Autonomous Actions

We split it up into three stages.
1. Approach the pegs.
2. Put Ubertube on pegs.
3. Ending action.

Approach pegs

Strategy 0:
1.) Do nothing
1.5) Stop all internal motors
1.5.5) Stop everything
2.) Wait for Teleoperated mode
3.) Go to -> Teleoperated mode

Strategy 5
Dead Reckoning (Striaght line)

1.) Drive Forward 244.9 inches

1.5.) Raise arm to middle peg position

1.5.5)Turn manipulator belts to positon tube for placement

2.) Go to -> Ubertube Placement

Strategy 6
Dead Reckoning (Center Line Left fork)

1.) Drive Forward 157.3 inches

1.5.) Raise arm to middle peg position

2.) Turn 35deg Counterclockwise

3.) Drive forward 67.5 inches

4.) Turn 35deg Clockwise

5.) Go to -> Place Ubertube

Strategy 7
Dead Reckoning (Center Line right fork)

1.) Drive Forward 157.3 inches

1.5.) Raise arm to middle peg position

2.) Turn 35deg clockwise

3.) Drive forward 67.5 inches

4.) Turn 35deg CounterClockwise

5.) Go to -> Place Ubertube

Stage 2: Ubertube Placement

Strategy 0
Do nothing

1.) Stop all internal functions

2.) Wait for Teleoperated mode

3.)Go to -> Teleoperated mode

Stage 3: Final Action

Strategy 1
Do nothing

1.) Stop all motors

2.) Wait for teleoperated mode

3.) Go to -> Teleoperated

Strategy 2
Turn around and do nothing

1.) Turn 180deg

2.) Stop all motors

3.) Wait for teleoperated mode

4.) Go to -> Teleoperated

Strategy 3
Go to midfield while driving backwards

1.) Drive forward -245 inches

2.) Stop all motors

3.) Wait for teleoperated mode

4.) Go to -> Teleoperated mode

Strategy 4
Drive to midfield backwards, then turn!

1.) Drive forward -245 inches

2.) Turn 180 deg

3.) Stop all motors

4.) Wait for Teleoperated mode

5.) Go to -> Teleoperated mode

Strategey 5
Go to right lane to block incoming opposing alliance robots

1.) Drive backwards

2.) Turn 90deg Counterclockwise

3.) Drive until reached lane

4.) Stop all motors

5.) Wait for teleoperated mode

6.) Go to -> Teleoperated mode

Strategey 5
Go to leftlane to block incoming opposing alliance robots

1.) Drive backwards

2.) Turn 90deg Clockwise

3.) Drive until reached lane

4.) Stop all motors

5.) Wait for teleoperated mode

6.) Go to -> Teleoperated mode

To tell the robot which set of actions to perform you select an autonomous mode using the classmate or a paper handbook, which tells you three numbers that you plug in using a keypad on the driver’s station. The robot understands and runs based on the numbers. (Example 000 tells the robot to do nothing during autonomous).

Approach the pegs: Strategy 1 and 2
Straight line (left and right side)

Put Ubertube on pegs: Strategy 1
Top Peg (Normal Height)
Strategy 2
Middle peg (Normal Height)
Strategy 3
Low peg (Normal Height)

  • Drive Forward 245? inches on line [be far enough away from pegs to move arm without hitting pegs]
  • While driving: Move arm to middle peg position [do not twist tube]

  • Have manip. twist tube to top peg angle
  • Move arm to top peg
  • Drive Forward 30? inches
  • Eject tube
  • Back up same amount we drove forward
  • Have manip. twist tube to middle peg angle
  • arm doesn't move
  • Drive Forward 24? inches
  • Eject tube
  • Back up same amount we drove forward
  • Have manip. twist tube to low peg angle
  • Move arm to low peg
  • Drive forward 28? inches
  • Eject tube
  • Back up same amount we drove forward

  • Raise arm to max height
  • Go to -> Final Action


Approach the pegs: Strategy 3 and 4
Follow center line (left and right fork)

Put Ubertube on pegs: Strategy 1
Top Peg (offset Height)
Strategy 2
Middle peg (offset Height)
Strategy 3
Low peg (offset Height)

  • Go foward to fork (while raising arm to middle peg offset.)
  • drive slightly more (to no longer see line, half the robot distance so we can turn correctly(19 inches))

  • 4.)Turn left/right until line is visible.;
  • 7.) Raise arm to preset position (top, middle, bottom)
  • 7.5.) Have manip belts change tube angle to corrospond with arm position.
  • 5.)drive forward (while following line) 60 inches
  • 6.) Turn 30/-30 degrees
  • 8.) Go forward (based on preset position)
  • 9.) Eject tube
  • 10.) Back up (Same distance as step 8)

  • Raise arm to max height
  • Go to -> Final Action