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Drive team selection process
- Students wanted early drive team selection (Before week five)
- Blind driver tests were performed. Used to help determine base driver capabilities
- Drivers were chosen Thursday of week one
- Primary Drive Team: Chris base driver, Elliot Aux driver: Nick Coach:
- Secondary Drive Team: Gabe base driver: Brett Aux driver: Austin Meyer Coach
- Human players to be decided through tryout process and initiatives taken during build season
- One reason drivers were selected early is to ask drivers questions, and so that all robot functions will be used during match play
Build season:
- Pit crew and drive team must have 100% score on both Game and Tool tests
Goals for autonomous
- Coaches will create a play book of auto modes
- Two ball autonomous mode with NO light detection
- One ball autonomous mode WITH light detection for hot goal sensing
- Perferably, we'll be able to shoot from the white zone
- Auto time will be mapped out to ensure two ball auto is possible
- Hopefully have mulitiple auto starting positions