2010:Controls 01.19
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Tommy, Crystal, Quinten, Rachel, Ethan, Averill
- Removed the joysticks from last years controls to use for the mock control board (they are located in last years controls but the USB cords have been freed).
- Added some of the switch holes to the CAD model.
- Started to develop a pinout and connections for the control board.
- MOCK UP CONTROL BOARD (So drivetrain can drive/test transmissions). Need to get all of the pieces together (joysticks, laptop, stop button, router, USB hub, PC), cut out a piece of plywood, and attach all the pieces.
- Need to work with software/electrical/mechanical to define what the buttons and switches will actually do so we can arrange them in a logical fashion.
- Put holes in the CAD model Crystal made: we still need to add the iPod wheel, slider, LEDs, and large buttons to the model. Then it needs to be arranged in a logical fashion.
- Continue work on the circuit board/write code for Qwheel/Qslider (schematic)