2010:Integration 1.19
Drive-train - It will be heavier than last year, but the center of gravity is very low.
Mech 1 - Calculations show that one 24" cylinder won't lift the robot and so they are crunching the numbers to see if two cylinders will work.
Mech 2 - Prototype kicker works good. They are trying to determine a way to keep from rolling over balls while still being able to go over the bumps.
Electrical - Members have started to work with the sensors to sense the position of the robot. They have started wiring the electrical board. They need input from mechanical to find the camera mounting position.
Controls - They will work on the mock-up of the drivetrain control features.
Field - They have a goal to have a goal done tonight! (sorry, I couldn't resist)
Programming - They need a robot to test drive!!!