2010:Integration 2.16.2010

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Electrical - Added spike relay for second electromagnet (needs wiring).  PWM cables are being made.  Need to mount the board, wire, test, and reduce weight.  From the Mechanical teams, need a mounting system on the robot.  The Lexan piece for mounting the cRIO has been cut.  Need to buy spare limit switches (from a local source).

Controls - Tested with Programming. Slider cracked and needs to be replaced.  Controls need some touch-up and USB cables.  Need a new cover for joysticks.  Controls need to be labeled.

Programming - Currently debugging the code for the hanger, and the autonomous code.  Finished debugging the kicker (need the finished robot to test it).  Need to do more testing with Controls (the wheel and the slider).

Mechanical lift - Cut all pieces for the welder, need to put structure on after welder's done (maybe tonight, more likely tomorrow).  Put winch together.  Need to finish milling plate, cut tubes, cut collars and wire.  (Tubes may have arrived today - have to check the delivered packages!)

Mechanical kicker - Kicker's on, hooked up to window motors.  Beater bar parts are in, should be assembled tonight.

Drivetrain - Bumper covers and mounts are being worked on.

Field - Goals need to be fitted better.  Field will be moved to the gym on Thursday.

Everyone - the robot needs to lose a lot of weight!  Diet and exercise must begin immediately!