2010:Integration 2.4.2010

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Electrical - Moved board so it's opposite the cRIO.  Battery holder has been designed and sent out to be made.  Will look at Debbie Supply for Lexan and other materials.

Mechanical kicker - Detailed drawings are about half submitted.  Need to refine the design on the kicker and the beater-bar ball-magnet, which is now called the "thrasher."  Bar to keep the ball from going more than 3" inside the frame needs work.  Need to know what the robot will "look like," in order to figure out mounting points for Lexan panels to cover the robot.  Will need thicker Lexan than last year, to be more protective.

Mechanical hanger - Finished drawings, will send tonight.  Need a 10-turn potentiometer for the winch.

Drivetrain - Getting wheels attached to motors (a slow process).  Plywood is cut for the front bumpers.  To do: design bumper mounts!

Programming - Finished high-level autonomous mode.  Low-level autonomous needs about two days to finish.  Mock electrical board is on the drivetrain.  Need to test teleoperated mode and see if robot goes over the bump under its own power.  The CAN now...can!  Kicker code is close to done.

Field - Should be done this weekend.  Ball return is done, foam is in spandex.  Need to coordinate with Programming for control coding for the field system.