2010:Integration 2.6.2010

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Field - Carpet is being put on the bumps.  Test the robot today if possible - cafeteria may not be available tomorrow.  Should have tower and ball return done tonight.

Electrical - Received Digi-Key order (Jaguars, PWM materials).  Tested whether electromagnet would interfere with other components - it won't if it's more than 3 inches away, which shouldn't be a problem.  Need to see if it's worth trying to split the electrical board in two, in order to keep mass centered.  Need to actually build the board(s).  Need more CAN bus parts.  Need to order Lexan ASAP.  Need to check servo supply.

Controls - Parts are in.  Should be done by the middle of next week!

Mechanical kicker - Creating drawings in Inventor and sending to Harris (80% have already been sent).  Should finish drawings for welded parts today.  Team 340 may be able to help with welding if Harris is backlogged.  May go to Van Bortel on Monday evening for milled parts.

Mechanical hanger - Finished drawings and winch assembly in Inventor, need to send to Harris.  Gave drawings to Mechanical kicker team and discussed where to mount the hanger mechanism.

Drivetrain - Need to work on bumpers!  Will have a solid plan by Tuesday.

Programming - Drove the robot over the bump!  Debugged a bunch of stuff.  Will finish autonomous - high-level is done, low-level is still needed.  Need to test kicker.  Need to be ready to test controls when done, which should be soon!