2010:Integration 2.9.2010

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Electrical - Have been helping Controls.  Probably will keep the electrical board in one place on the robot, rather than splitting it in two, but need info from mechanical teams on the CG before making a final decision.  The plastic that was purchased is not actually Lexan and therefore is not legal.  Must get Lexan as a top priority.

Controls - Have all the materials, have been wiring buttons.  Should be done by the weekend.

Programming - Autonomous high and low levels are ready for debug.  (High level describes funtions like "go 8 feet, turn left, fire kicker," etc.  Low level actually sends commands to various motors etc. to make the robot run.)  Found a safety bug to report to FIRST.  Need to create failsafe stuff for kicker, sensor overrides, etc.

Field - Carpeting, painting, and ball returns are essentially done.  The bulk of the field work is done!  The field can be set up in the cafeteria over break week.

Drivetrain - Assembling wheel guards and bumpers. Need springs. Need to hold bearing block onto wheel guards somehow.

Mechanical lift - Made rollers and shafts, sent parts to Harris to be made.  Will make mounting block and fork for potentiometer this week.  Need someone to go over the supply checklist and see what's needed.

Mechanical kicker - Making remaining mill parts at Van Bortel (some were made on Monday).  All other parts should be at Harris.  Tonight - working on weldment drawings.  Need to make sure there is a hard backing for the bumpers all around, integrated into the superstructure.  Need people to work on Inventor tonight!

Both Mechanical teams - Need to come up with one integrated robot design tonight!!