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IT'S ALIVE!!!  Need to change spacing between sprockets for drive wheels so they don't bind (should be getting spacers from Harris).  Working on bumpers.


Upper structure has been changed somewhat, sheet metal has been added in CAD. Chain-tensioning brackets have been added. Prototyping for two arm types has been done. The swing-and-latch mechanism is better than the telescoping mechanism - less potential for getting stuck while deploying, and more forgiving if the arm gets bent a bit. At least some of the files should be ready to send over to Harris tomorrow. Motors, transmissions, and encoders have been positioned in CAD.

Manipulator: design is set and we have almost all the parts!


Re-validated the numbers for the motor and wheels, to get torque, RPM, amps, etc. Will replace the fuse with a 5 amp fuse to keep motor from burning out. Switches have been added in CAD - one to turn the motor on, one to reverse the motor at the top.  Pins coming out of the arms have been added in CAD - they will be hitting the top plate, along with the actuator that flips the switch to reverse the motor, so there will be three points of contact at the top plate. Parts are being made! Need to look into using limit switches (will they work without the NXT?)

Deployer has been assembled. It's a complete separate assembly that can be unbolted and taken out of the robot. Slide will have a 23" stroke (not 24").

Electrical Main

Battery bracket, CIM motors, and electrical board in the "drop pan" have been located in CAD. Battery may need to be angled more steeply so it can be pulled out above the wheels.  Drop pan needs to have solid sides so nothing slides in or out (wires, debris, etc.).

Electrical Controls

Need another meeting with Strategy to figure out which buttons do what. One of the joysticks has gone bye-bye! Now there are three joysticks - two "drive" joysticks and one arm/manipulator joystick. There are two large buttons, to deploy the tusks and minibot, but their location hasn't been determined. There are three smaller buttons to control the "want it" lights on the robot. Control board might fold - hasn't been decided. Parts have been ordered. Joysticks have been hooked up to the Classmate and the USB hub to make sure everything works and current is OK (it is).


Got drivetrain running! Radio has been programmed as part of that. Working on more code - presets for arm, autonomous for drivetrain. (Presets need to go on the wiki.)