2012:Controls 02.16

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Start time: 6PM

End time: 10PM

Members present: Alex, Shayna, [Ben, Tom, Molly (indirectly)], Gafei

Members Attending Next Meeting:

Tasks Completed

  • Completed mounting of lexan cover over Freescale tower.
  • Rearranged USB cables to plug in from the side instead of over the top. Tested it, but for some strange reason, the freedscale tower controls didn't work correctly when plugged into the "top" USB port on the right hand side. Switched USB locations from top to bottom with the USB hub, and for some reason the tower controls worked. Weird.
  • Completed sketches of knobs for turret and slider in inventor with dimensions.
  • Drilled hole at back of controls to fit power connector for Dell laptop. (blame Jeff)

Tasks In Progress

Tasks to Complete

  • Figure out a way to latch the joystick side and the switch side of the controls.
  • Possibly use a USB right angled cable to power the USB hub or frescale tower.
  • Fabricate the control knobs!

Materials Needed

  • Control knob materials.