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Auto Priorities

Auto Modes That Can Be Performed By Our Robot

Up to date

What we will definitely do:

  1. Robot placed just inside of staging zone on the same plane as the scoring platform, facing the auto zone. Robot drives into auto zone.
  2. Robot aligned facing a RC, grippers just outside and open. Robot drives forward, grabs RC, lifts, and drives backward into auto zone.
  3. Robot faces RC/Tote in staging zone (grippers parallel to scoring platform). Grippers open with RC between the gripper arms. Robot lifts, grabs tote, lifts higher, moves forward, lowers/places RC on Tote, opens gripper, lowers gripper to grab tote, lifts, right turn 90 degrees, move into auto zone
  4. Robot starts in staging zone, facing the yellow tote. Grippers open, grabs tote, lifts, waits for another robot to get the Tote away, moves forward, stops at next Tote, stacks Tote it has, re-grabs bottom of stack, moves forward to next tote, repeat stacking operation, lifts (small amount), left turn 90 degrees, moves into auto zone.

What we may do: Need guidance from strategy.

  1. Remove the middle and right RCs and bring them to the auto zone? Unclear movement strategy.
  2. Remove 2 yellow totes and bring them to the auto zone? Could be subset of triple stack or need to find a way to knock the RC out of the way.
  3. Similar to number 2 but rather than grabbing RC grab Tote?