2017:Gear Mechanism
Made decision on approximate gear mechanism height; set it at 9in.
We are likely using a servo to actuate the gear mechanism.
Grey: Approximate Intake Volume
Red: Mechanism Mount
Green: Gear Mechanism
Yellow: Approximate Funnel Volume + Shape
Using HS-645mg Serovs and 2 Banner Sensors (Q106E and Q10RN6R)
All part drawings made and/or sent out to Harris
Gear falls into funnel while at retrieval station; flippers are in closed position.
When at lift, spike goes into robot and the servos open the flippers and push the gears out.
Automation of scoring the gear would make use of the beam break sensor mounted between the back of the flippers and the hard stop. As the spike enters the robot and breaks the beam, the robot would automatically stop before impaling itself. After, the servos actuate the flippers pushing the gear onto the spike. The robot backs away from the spike and then closes the flippers.