Webpage task list

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Webpage task list

Task Requestor Assignee






Front Page- Announcements, Senate Resolution, Summer), Add Harris logo in Important Links.
  Many Complete
About Us Main Page- Photo(s)?
  [Not assigned] Evaluation
Who We Are - Team Organization (Add Leadership Subteam)
  [Not assigned] Evaluation
Team Bios - Update Student Leaders, Photos??, Add Larry as Team Leader(s)., Add Rhinobot description & performance
  Leaders Complete

Competitions Page - Rename to FIRST Games or FIRST Competitions

Resolution:   Renamed to FIRST Games

Resources - check all links and add some more useful ones   [Not assigned] Evaluation
Rookie Organization - UPDATE and make more useful, add new documents, etc. (This page is linked to from the FIRST site)
  [Not assigned] Evaluation
Local Teams - formatting???
  [Not assigned] Evaluation
Media - Check all links, post mini summaries of each article, photos?
  [Not assigned] Evaluation
Awards - reformat 2005 & provide descriptions & photos, add a few more small photos for this year's awards. Maybe do a summary at the top of the page, or a link to FIRST's summary of our team?
  [Not assigned] Evaluation
Photos - Add some actual photos & maybe highlight certain galleries each year.
  Matthieu Complete
Videos - post a few more videos, maybe embed one or two in the page, post 2009 Blue alliance match links.
  [Not assigned] Evaluation
FRC Events - Upload and post links to all the programs for all of our years of Ruckus & Rally
  [Not assigned] Evaluation  
Sponsor List - Link Sponsors with website, add pictures from sponsor picnic & eagle sponsor logos   [Not assigned] Evaluation  
Harris E-Times - Add Harris Communicator Links, add ALL other announcements that have been made in Harris ETimes
  Kim Complete 
Student Achievements - link the achievements cheat sheet   [Not assigned] Evaluation
Design Process - Format Page & change dates   Rick/Matthieu Complete
Summer - Do we want to turn this list into just our 1511 Thunderbolts list? Maybe make this more of a summary of our summer team meetings, and generically what we do (leadership meetings, team meetings, ruckus meetings, etc??)
  [Not assigned] Evaluation
Preseason - Again do we want to do a more generic summary and move all of this list to a 1511 Thunderbolts page?
  [Not assigned] Evaluation  
Wiki - Massive overhaul to make it useful for preseason as well, maybe generate a new one and archive the 2008 stuff for build season?
  [Not assigned] Evaluation

Webpage Editor - Add/Edit Pages heading
The heading on the Add/Edit pages says:
Note: Some pages are uneditable, so they will not show up here.

Please contact Rajeev and ask him to change the page if you would like to do so.
Im guessing not many people anymore know Rajeev :) (not sure why i didnt notice this before!)

Kim [Not assigned] Evaluation

Webpage Editor - Images
I thought in the past there was a way to upload images and edit them via the editor (crop, resize, etc), is there a way to add that back in? (right now it only allows a URL)

Kim [Not assigned] Evaluation

Sponsor Page - Links
On the sponsor page, all the links for the 2009 patrons (didnt check ones below that), go to www.penfieldrobotics.com/www.sponsoraddress.com so they link to our page with the sponsors page as a subpage or something weird... Im sure it can be manually hand edited, but Rick, I think you/your kids did this last year, and if so, is there an easy way to fix it? Not sure if the html got mixed up somewhere or what?

Kim [Not assigned] Evaluation

My login seemed superflaky for the editor, Eric had created a kimsrobot and I tried a million different variations and passwords, and it finally let me in, and then I had to reenter it again. I got firefox to save it, and seems to be doing ok now, but it was just odd that I had to try so many times to get in.

Kim [Not assigned] Evaluation

Correct page edit issue when using Safari

  Eric ? Open

Score web site using Review Website Award Criteria:






Kim's Task List

1. Update the Leadership Bootcamp description - Completed

2. Fix FLL Page (Eric) - Completed

3. Update FLL Resources Page- Completed

4. Update Harris ETimes page (Karen) - Completed

5. Update Rookie Resources Page

6. Update Local Teams Page

7. Add more “Previous Team Members” to alumni page

8. Add in Slideshows - In progress, Eric working on it

9. Update Robot page with Rhinobot description and add all “Robot Fliers”- Complete

10. Update Links page

11. Add photos of programmers to Robot Code page

12. Fix awards page (more consistant formatting) - Completed

13. Add slideshows to the Photos page

14. Add Rookie Meet & Greet to FRC Events page - Completed

15. Reverse order of History of Events on FLL Events Page - Completed & updated lists

16. Add Van Bortel Machine & Welding Guy to Sponsor List Competed

17. Put a screenshot of the achievements summary on the “view your achievements” page Completed

18. Update resources for the Fundraising Page (link on the rookie resources page) & UNBOLD

19. Delete the Menu’s page, add pictures to the Meal Schedule page - Completed

20. Update Thunderbolts pages