Main Page
From 1511Wookiee
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General Pages:
- Demonstration Information
- Team Documents
- Monroe County Fair Planning!
- Recruiting Presentation File:Recruiting.pdf
2010 Build Season
- Robot Design Details
- Controls Details
- Electrical Pin Map
- Driver Station Pinout
- 2010 Atlanta Prep
- Integration Status
- Parts/Tools Signout List
- ShoppingList
- How to Upload an Image and paste it on your page!
FIRST INFO: Competition Manual Team Updates Team Q&A
Subteam Engineering Notebooks:
At a Minimum EACH Engineering Notebook Entry should include the following: 1. Names of the people that attended 2. DATE & Start & Stop Time 3. Tasks accomplished 4. Tasks in process 5. Tasks to complete tomorrow 6. Names of people attending tomorrow 7. Materials are needed to work 8. Any Images (Inventor, Scanned Sketches, Photos, Etc) Pertinent to the day's work!