2010:Robot Design Details

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2010 Main Robot Design


Drivetrain Design

  • 4 Direct Drive CIM Motors
  • 16:1 Banebots Transmissions
  • 2 Traction Wheels in the Front
  • 2 Omni Wheels in the back

Main Goals:

  • Be able to go over the bumps
  • Be manueverable
  • Keep Balls from going underneath the robot


Mechanical 1 Design - Lift & Structure

  • Using a mechanical 4 section telescope driven by pushing a cable up a tube to lift a hook
  • Designed to lift the robot from either side off of the bump
  • Has a pivoting mechanism that angles the telescope to the left or right depending on which side of the tower the robot is on
  • Hook has a shepards crook design to be able to easily grab the high bar
  • Winch pulls the telescoping tube back towards the robot to lift the robot off the ground
  • Should be able to lift above needed height in under 5 seconds
  • Using 1 CIM Motor,

Main Goals:

  • Lift Robot above platform height as fast as possible (faster than 5 seconds)
  • Extend lift and capture bar in under 5 seconds.
  • Create an upper structure that supports the lift mechanism
  • Create an upper structure that deflects balls
  • Create an upper structure that potentially deflects balls towards the front of the robot


Mechanical 2 Design - Kicker & Beater Bar

  • Using 2 window motors and an electromagnet release
  • Uses a "thunderfoot" kicker springloaded with surgical tubing to kick the ball
  • Kicker will have variable positioning to kick ball different distances
  • Beater bar is a simple spinning bar in the front of the robot that just spins to pull the balls into the robot and hold them while turning

Main Goals:

  • Be able to kick the ball at distances from all 3 locations on the field (near, middle, far)
  • Be able to score the ball when in the near zone
  • Be able to control/possess balls while driving around the field


Electrical System

  • 5 Jaguar Speed Controllers (main drive motors)
  • Power Distribution Board
  • 120 amp Circuit Breaker
  • Digital I/O sidecar
  • Linksys Router
  • 3 Spike Relays(2 for kicker motors, 1 electromagnet)
  • cRIO with 2 Digital Side Cars
  • Indicator Light
  • Wires
  • Magic

        Main Goals:

  • To Give all mechanical components power
  • Make sure that the magic smoke that makes up all electrical components does not escape


Motors List

  • 4 CIM Motors - Drivetrain, driven by 4 Jaguars
  • 1 CIM Motor - Lifter: Winch & Pushing cable, driven by Jaguar
  • 1 Window Motor - Pivoting Mechanism, driven by Jaguar
  • 2 Window Motors - Kicker, driven by 2 spike relays
  • 1 Fisher Price Motor - Beater Bar, driven by spike relay
  • 1 Camera Servo
  • 1 Locking Servo for telescopic arm

Remaining Motors

  • 1 Fisher Price, 1 Window motor, and 2 Mabuchi motors remaining

Sensors List

  • 4 Banebots Encoders - Drivetrain
  • 1 magnetic rotation sensor - Determine relative posistion of kicker pull back mechanism
  • 1 BeamBreak Sensor - Ball Kicker
  • 2 limit switches for kicker motors

Autonomous Modes

Near Zone
Move up to ball, kick into goal, move towards center line out of the way

Middle Zone
Move up to ball, kick into goal, move to next ball, kick into goal, move towards center line out of the way

Far Zone
Move up to ball, kick into goal (3x)


2009 Robot Design Details