2010:Robot Design Details
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2010 Main Robot Design
Drivetrain Design
- 4 Direct Drive CIM Motors
- 16:1 Banebots Transmissions
- 2 Traction Wheels in the Front
- 2 Omni Wheels in the back
Main Goals:
- Be able to go over the bumps
- Be manueverable
- Keep Balls from going underneath the robot
Mechanical 1 Design - Lift & Structure
- Using a mechanical 4 section telescope driven by pushing a cable up a tube to lift a hook
- Designed to lift the robot from either side off of the bump
- Has a pivoting mechanism that angles the telescope to the left or right depending on which side of the tower the robot is on
- Hook has a shepards crook design to be able to easily grab the high bar
- Winch pulls the telescoping tube back towards the robot to lift the robot off the ground
- Should be able to lift above needed height in under 5 seconds
- Using 1 CIM Motor,
Main Goals:
- Lift Robot above platform height as fast as possible (faster than 5 seconds)
- Extend lift and capture bar in under 5 seconds.
- Create an upper structure that supports the lift mechanism
- Create an upper structure that deflects balls
- Create an upper structure that potentially deflects balls towards the front of the robot
Mechanical 2 Design - Kicker & Beater Bar
- Using 2 window motors and an electromagnet release
- Uses a "thunderfoot" kicker springloaded with surgical tubing to kick the ball
- Kicker will have variable positioning to kick ball different distances
- Beater bar is a simple spinning bar in the front of the robot that just spins to pull the balls into the robot and hold them while turning
Main Goals:
- Be able to kick the ball at distances from all 3 locations on the field (near, middle, far)
- Be able to score the ball when in the near zone
- Be able to control/possess balls while driving around the field
Electrical System
- 5 Jaguar Speed Controllers (main drive motors & winch)
- Power Distribution Board
- 120 amp Circuit Breaker
- Digital I/O sidecar
- Linksys Router
- 5 Spike Relays (2 for kicker motors, 1 electromagnet, 1 front spinner, 1 tilt mechanism)
- cRIO with 2 Digital Side Cars
- Indicator Light
- Camera & mount (just tilt servo)
- Wires
- Magic
Main Goals:
- To Give all mechanical components power
- To give sensor readbcaks that programming and operators need
- Make sure that the magic smoke that makes up all electrical components does not escape
Motors List
- 4 CIM Motors - Drivetrain, driven by 4 Jaguars
- 1 CIM Motor - Lifter: Winch & Pushing cable, driven by Jaguar
- 1 Window Motor - Pivoting Mechanism, driven by Jaguar
- 2 Window Motors - Kicker, driven by 2 spike relays
- 1 Fisher Price Motor - Beater Bar, driven by spike relay
- 1 Camera Servo
- 1 Locking Servo for telescopic arm
Remaining Motors
- 1 Fisher Price, 1 Window motor, and 2 Mabuchi motors remaining
Sensors List
- 4 Banebots Encoders - Drivetrain
- 1 magnetic rotation sensor - Determine relative posistion of kicker pull back mechanism
- 1 BeamBreak Sensor - Ball Kicker
- 2 limit switches for kicker motors
- Gyro
- Camera
- 1 Encoder - wench for lift
- 2 limit switched for lift (?)
Autonomous Modes
- Do nothing
- Near Zone: score 1 ball with dead reckoning
- ball placed in corner of 9x9 grid near goal
- robot placed against bump and angled to create straight line between it, the ball and the goal
- move to ball, move ball closer to goal (if needed), kick ball into goal, backup out of the way
- Near Zone: score 1 ball with camera guidance
- ball placed in corner of 9x9 grid near goal
- robot placed against bump and angled to create straight line between it, the ball and the goal
- move to ball, move ball closer to goal (if needed), align with target, kick ball into goal, backup out of the way
- Near Zone: score 1 ball with camera guidance and look for more balls
- same as "Near Zone: score 1 ball with camera guidance"
- search for more balls: pivot right and left looking for ball, drive to ball, align with target, kick ball into goal, backup
- Middle Zone: score 2 balls with dead reckoning
- ball 1 placed in corner of 9x9 grid near bump & center line
- ball 2 placed in center
- robot placed against bump and angled to create straight line between it, ball 1 and the goal
- move to ball 1, kick ball 1, turn towards ball 2, move to ball 2, turn back towards goal, kick ball 2, backup out of the way
- Middle Zone: score 2 balls with camera guidance
- ball 1 placed in corner of 9x9 grid near bump & center line
- ball 2 placed in center
- robot placed against bump and angled to create straight line between it, ball 1 and the goal
- move to ball 1, align with target, kick ball 1, turn towards ball 2, move to ball 2, align with target, kick ball 2, backup out of the way
- Far Zone: kick 3 balls with dead reckoning
- balls placed along edge of field (in front of each other on 9x9)
- robot goes against ramp in front of goal, not angled, to create a straight line between it, all 3 balls and the goal
- move to ball 1, kick ball 1, move to ball 2, kick ball 2, move to ball 3, kick ball 3
In all cases:
- Will allow for a dealyed start
- Tilt down camera prior to tele-op mode