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<parsererror style="display: block; white-space: pre; border: 2px solid #c77; padding: 0 1em 0 1em; margin: 1em; background-color: #fdd; color: black">

This page contains the following errors:

error on line 1 at column 4048: Opening and ending tag mismatch: table line 0 and colgroup

Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.


How To Change The Sheet Metal Defaults  In Inventor To Match Harris Shop Requirements

a. Click on SHEET METAL DEFAULTS on the sheet metal ribbon. you will get a pop-up window.

b. click on the lower right PENCIL icon. you will get a pop-up window.

c. click on the lower left IMPORT button. you will get a browser to locate a file. you are looking for the file in the 2015/build season (ROBOT) file called"90 Degree Harris Sheet Metal Bend Styles.styxml"

d. click DONE in the lower right corner.

e. you will be returned to the pop-up window

f.scroll down below the UNFOLD RULE and select "HARRIS SHOP".

g. click APPLY 

h. change thickness to .062, .093, or .125.

i. click upper right PENCIL icon

j. click on BEND tab

k. Change BEND RADIUS thickness to .032

l. click DONE


n. click SAVE

o. ALTERNATE: open the 'Sheet Metal Starting Point.ipt" and SAVE AS your new part drawing. do this immediately as we will overwrite or delete any part accidentally aved in the template file.

How To Submit Parts for Fabrication At Harris

Follow the steps below for proper modeling and submittal of parts. It is critical to understand the type of part that is being made (sheetmetal or machined) as this will dictate the model generation along with the types of files that will be required in order to physically make the part.

If you have any questions, please ask Amy Averill (aaverill ---AT--- harris --DOT-- com).

Steps For Fabrication

  1. Determine if the part will be a sheetmetal part or a solid part
    • Sheetmetal Parts: flat parts with holes that go all the way through the material, bar stock that needs to be cut to length, flat parts that get bent into a shape
    • Machined Parts: pieces with intricate surfaces made from a block of aluminum
  2. Model the part appropriately depending on if the part is Sheetmetal or Machined from a solid part in Inventor:
    • Sheetmetal Parts: Click on the link for general tips on bend radius and material thickness: Sheetmetal Parts
    • Machined Parts:
  3. Create the necessary supporting documentation for fabrication:
  4. Email the required files to aaverill ---AT--- harris --DOT-- com.
    • CLICK the links below for each file type needed to get a detailed set of instructions on what is required for each format and how to save the files!
    • Failure to click these links and read the directions will result in your part taking longer to be made since you will have to revise the files and resubmit!
    • Sheetmetal Parts:
  • .dwg Do save copy as a autoCAD dwg file. Must be 2000LT
  • .dxf - Must be 2000LT
  • Machined Parts:
  1. Fill in the chart below with the date, requested item, your name and the quantity required.

Files to be made

Harris Parts List

Making Sheet Metal Parts for CHAMTEK

Follow instructions for Harris Sheet Metal Parts

Making Non-Sheet Metal Parts for CHAMTEK

PDF files (.pdf)

STEP files (.stp)

PDF files – Step by Step Creation:

  1. Open the “[year] Part and Assembly File Log” on the Google Drive ([year]/[year] Build Season folder) and sign up for the part drawing you are about to make.  Note, it must have a “Y” or “Yes” in the “Mentor approved to Make Drawing” column.
  2. Open Inventor – you will be using this as a tool to make the .pdf file.  We do not need to send the Inventor .ipw file.
  3. Open the “2015 Drawing template” in the [year] Build Season (ROBOT)/06 Drawings folder and immediately SAVE AS your part drawing.  If you SAVE A COPY AS instead of SAVE AS please remember you will need to then close the template and open your part drawing before changing anything in the file.
    1. Fill in the Title Block
      1. Title should match exactly the Part and Assembly File Log title beginning with the part number.
      2. Date:  This must be updated each time the part is sent – it tracks revisions.
      3. Name of student
      4. Name of mentor who has reviewed the drawing.
    2. Edit the text in the lower right
      1. Number of parts per robot
      2. Size of material using Harris standards (see top of this page)
    3. Open the model part file (it must be open to place it).
    4. Check that the model file has sheet metal defaults as follows:
      1. Unfold rule is “Harris Shop”
      2. Thickness if Harris standard (see top of page).
    5. Place views as you normally would to best represent the part.  Include an ISOMETRIC view.
      1. Dimension Overall length, width and height of the part
      2. Dimension all hole diameters – precision to three places
      3. For holes of the same size in the same area, use the “x 4” type of notation to indicate multiple hole locations
          1. Exceptions:  Do not dimension rivet holes
          2. Do not dimension parts with excessive amounts of holes (check with a mentor)
          1. Dimension each bend – height and angles other that 90 degrees
          1. Save the drawing to the 06 Drawings folder
        1. Save the drawing as a .pdf file:
          1. EXPORT as a PDF
          2. Save it to the 06 Drawings/CHAMTEK folder
            1. When sent to CHAMTEK, they will be moved into a “sent [date]” folder.


        STEP (.stp) Files – Step by Step Creation:


        1. Open the model part
        2. Go to FILE, EXPORT, and select CAD Format
        3. In the window, under “Save Type As:”, select STEP Files (*.stp; *.ste; *.step)
        4. SAVE file in [year] Build Season (ROBOT)/06 Drawings/CHAMTEK
        5. Update Part & Assembly File Log on Google Drive