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Scouting app and system - instructions and log of things I've done so far:

  1. Make a list of all the things that can be scouted
  2. Make a list of all of the things we will actually be scouting and lay out all of the pages on the scouting app. See here.
  3. Go over the pages on the scouting app at the strategy meeting.
  4. You should be using laptop 7 at this point, it has all of the correct software pre-installed. If not, for now you need Android Studio version 3.3
  5. Move the old scouting folder to the new scouting folder in SVN under FRC20XX\trunk\Scouting. (You need to move scoutmaster, ThunderScout, and thunderscout-common)
  6. Run the app in the new folder to make sure it still works. Android Studio and Java will probably beg you to update them. If you do, make sure to record what version they are currently on so that you can revert to it when it doesn’t work. Version 3.3 of Android Studio works.
  7. If you are using the emulator to run it, virtualization is turned off in the bios on the laptops, so you will need to use an ARM system image. There should be one already installed on laptop 7.
  8. Start working on the UI of the app. It is under app\res\layout. You can fiddle with the graphical editor if you want to, but I’d use XML. Make sure you name things well, you will be using these names later. Images that you can use are in app\res\drawabe
  9. Start working on the Java, probably start in with the tabfragments as a starting point.


2020 Auto Mode List:

  1. Leave the Initiation Line - Either Direction (Guaranteed 5 points)
  2. Score balls from robot centered in outer port & leave initiation line (either direction if we are shooting from initiation line) (5 points for leaving initiation line + 12 points for 3 power cells in outer port)
  3. Score balls from robot not centered & leave initiation line in either direction (5 points for leaving initiation line + 12 points for 3 power cells in outer port)

Stretch Goal:

  1. Score Balls, Pick up additional balls from Trench and under Control Panel and wait for teleop with 5 balls
  2. Score Balls, Pick up additional balls from Rendez Vous, then score trench balls

LED Wish List

  • Five horizontal strips on the back flat plate on the robot that light up according to the amount of balls we've intaked. Have LEDs flash when we have 4 balls, all five strips light up when we have five.
  • Five strips that wrap the helix with the same code as the five horizontal strips. Wrap 1/2 or 2/3 of the helix depending on price on Amazon. 

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