2010:Mock Team 3 11-23

From 1511Wookiee
Revision as of 16:36, 30 November 2010 by Programming (talk | contribs)
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Start time: Approximately 6:20.

End time: 8:00

Members present: Calvin, Kieran, Emily, Jason, Bem, Chris, Carlos

Members Attending Next Meeting: Calvin, Kieran, Emily, Jason, Bem, Chris, Carlos

Tasks Completed:

  • Staightening out infuriating metal connector bars.
  • Brainstorming controls

Tasks In Progress:

  • Building individual parts
  • Fitting parts together

Tasks to Complete:

  • Building individual parts
  • Programming
  • Fitting parts
  • fine-tuning design.

Materials Needed:

  • A few platform items.
  • Some way to get camera pictures onto the computer*.

Images & Additional Updates: As was previously mentioned, we don't really have a way to put pictures into the computers.

Any concerns with this update should be brought to Kieran. He really does care this time.