2019:Cargo Mechanism

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Revision as of 09:02, 12 January 2019 by ElectricalMain (talk | contribs)
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Cargo Game Piece

Week 1-


Prototyping Vertical Side Rollers
  • Remaking because it broke at the end of the last meeting
Prototyping Horizontal Side Rollers
  • Adding motors to the prototype
  • Attaching to the prototype robot

Attaching to Robot 1-12.jpg

Cargo losing air
Cargo that was left out for 36 hours shrunk from 13" to 12.73" in diameter, which is roughly .0075" per hour and .18" per day. Cargo needs to be between 12.5" and 13.5". Expect more shrinking when the ball is used.


Prototyping Vertical Side Rollers
  • Fixing the Broken Arm


Prototyping Horizontal Side Rollers *Putting together the last peices *Testing 1-104.jpg1-105.jpg


Prototyping Horizontal Side Rollers *Building the frame *Horizontal 1.jpg RTENOTITLE Prototyping Verticle Side Rollers *Assembly *Adding the wheels *RTENOTITLERTENOTITLE 1-9 Vericle.jpg1-9-19 Vertivle.jpg1-10.jpg1-101.jpg == 1/8/2019 == CAD sketch of Bucket design for cargo storage, dimensions to scale 1/8/2019. RTENOTITLE