2011:Field 2/9/2011

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Members present: Shayna and Manuel worked on chairman's and the robot 

Mentors present: Amy, Lloyd

Members Attending Next Meeting:


Tasks Completed:

Task 1 - Cut shelves for shelving unit
Task 2 - Built second shelving unit

Tasks In Progress:

Task 1 -

Task 2 -


Tasks to Complete:

Task 1 - Place Refelective Tape on poles

Task 2 - Drill holes for rail alignment

Task 3 - Create plates for rail rigidity

Task 4 - Determine what to do for extra 2" pole length

Task 5 - Wrap post bottoms with solid material

Task 6 - Mount post toppers

Task 7 - Determine/Construct method to keep lane dividers in place

Task 8 - Mounting system on player stations for power/connectivity

Task 9 - Drill holes in each player station for cords

Task 10 - Drill 1 hole in each piece of Lexan for securing

Task 11 - Sand down inside of feeder plates

Task 12 - Make sure we have enough Velcro


Materials Needed:

Item 1 - 4x4s

Item 2 - Hardware for rails

Images & Additional Updates:

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