
From 1511Wookiee
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  • Discussed future programming activities
  • Talked about vision and what to do with potential libraries to prevent unnecessary work year after year
  • Planned out tomorrow activities with Limelight, Swerve building, and organizing groups for different parts of the program


  • Updated a Limelight on the TestBoard
  • Able to detect all 22 Apriltags using our 4 Limelights
  • Found potential for object detection for Auto
  • Reviewed vision
  • Trajectory needs to be reviewed
  • Reviewed Strategy Mind Map requirements (however couldn't find the Mind Map)
  • Discussed automating elements of game play such as aligning to branches and possibly automated driving during Teleop
  • Current top objective for vision is to align to the target and drive towards it; see here
  • Discussed need for interviews and intervening with different mechanical groups to make sure they align with Strategies goals and are achievable
  • Split into different groups for different mechanisms to interview/intervene what the design does and if it is reasonable
  • Eleanor- Elevator
  • Ben- Game Piece
  • Mason- Drive
  • Yaqoub- Hang
  • Team- LED/Robot Control (dashboard)
  • Team- Auto
  • Discussed reusing coding and making things less about the year and more about the abstraction for future years
  • Vision- Changes every year
  • Game Piece- Changes each year
  • Submodule where things are distinct from the rest of the robot code- Reusable every year


Today we talked about swerve drive and the code to make it work. We didn't talk about trajectory nor any of the specific code required for pose estimation and field-centric driving. We took note that the swerve module class will need to be updated and modified to work with kracken x60s, as they use a TalonFx and should work with the CTRE libraries. Later in the night we began to implement the Drive class but did not get far, only starting the h file. When programming the drive class we discussed the functions from 2024:manualControlRelRotation and manualControlAbsRotation.We discovered that these functions did different things and had discussed what the Abs rotation accomplished. It was concluded that Abs rotation accomplishes matching the robots angle with the angle that the rotation joystick is making while the rel rotation will continue rotating in the direction that the joystick is pointing. In the 2025 we plan to combine these 2 functions into one and use the flags argument to mark this functionality.


  • Interviewed different prototype groups to confirm they align with Strategy's goals and are possible
  • GamePiece: Two main prototypes
  • 1st: Two metal bars with wheels on each. Intakes coral vertically. Requires two motors and potentially have each motor at different speeds for intakes/outtakes.
  • 2nd: A lot of wheels that funneled down with the coral intaking vertically. Outer wheels with capability to intake algae. Requires two motors.
  • Hang: 1 prototype being worked on
  • Lifter that that drives down to hang the robot. Based on a robot from three days. Requires two motors.
  • Finished first iteration of drive code. Didn't test the drive code due to CANchain complications.
  • CANchain was fixed.
  • Assigned CAN IDs to everything.
  • Drive Turn CAN:
    ID 1 front left drive
    ID 2 front left turn
    ID 3 front left CAN
    ID 4 front right drive
    ID 5 front right turn
    ID 6 front right CAN
    ID 7 back right drive
    ID 8 back right turn
    ID 9 back right CAN
    ID 10 back left drive
    ID 11 back left turn
    ID 12 back left CAN
    ID 1 PDP
    ID 2 Pidgeon

Programming Archives